No two pregnancies are the same just as no two deliveries are the same. At least that was my experience. As my husband and I prepared to welcome our third child in 2015, we followed a carefully thought-out plan to give us the best chance for a full-term pregnancy and healthy delivery. With a history of preterm labor and delivery, I was considered high risk and therefore began a proactive approach to monitor for any signs of preterm labor very early in my pregnancy. The journey that began more than a year before a positive pregnancy test led to my longest pregnancy and first experience with... Read More »
August 2016

If you plan to deliver at the Peggy V. Helmerich Women’s Center at Hillcrest Medical Center, it is valuable to know that every labor and delivery nurse has received doula training from a certified doula. A doula is a professional who has been trained in birthing techniques and provides emotional, physical and educational support to a mother during labor. With this training, labor and delivery nurses are able to meet the needs of each laboring mother and help them experience successful deliveries that follow a family’s desired birth plan.
When nurses go through doula training, they... Read More »